Help Save Maine’s North Woods for the Future The Forest Society of Maine is a land trust dedicated to keeping Maine’s forests as forests. Global economic pressures are fragmenting Maine’s landscape causing uncertainty for the future of woodland habitat. Don’t let the largest forest east of the Rocky Mountains disappear. It’s a large, sustainable source of wood for building, heating, and other every day products that is home to wildlife found nowhere else in the east. Fragmented landscapes destroy this. Don’t let eastern brook trout disappear. 10 years ago you could find eastern brook trout from Maine to Georgia, but today Maine is their last stronghold — providing 95% of their remaining habitat. Don’t let books become the only way to experience what Thoreau wrote about. Maine is the last place you can truly venture through the same forests as Thoreau did. Save Maine’s clean water by keeping forests as forests. Trees help purify our drinking water supplies, saving taxpayer dollars. Keep loon and eagle habitat from being lost. Secluded lakes and ponds are needed for them to nest and raise their chicks. Donate today so views like this won’t disappear. Learn more about Forest Society of Maine.