Acres: 600 (including 8 miles of shoreline)
Year Conserved: 2002 and 2014
About the Property: In 2002 the Forest Society of Maine conserved nearly six miles of shoreline on the northern end of Moosehead Lake to improve public access. These conservation successes were in Seboomook, Little W, and Northeast Carry Townships.
In 2014 the Little W Shoreline project added two miles of undeveloped shoreline on Moosehead Lake to the state’s 41,000-acre Seboomook Unit.
Under state ownership and management these parcels conserve in total nearly eight miles of Moosehead Lake shoreline, as areas of respite for paddlers on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, as well as benefiting boaters, paddlers, campers, fishermen, and snowmobilers exploring Moosehead Lake.
Recreational Opportunities: Paddling, boating, fishing, and wildlife viewing.